I have some very bad news about the race for Senator for Florida coming up in November.
One of Florida's most notorious anti-LGBT activists, John Stemberger, has directed his network of anti-gay extremists and big-money donors known as "Florida Family Action" to support the re-election Senator Marco Rubio this November.
Will you help fight the tsunami of anti-LGBT cash headed Marco Rubio's way? Click here to give $25, $100, or even $250 now to the #TeamEquality Victory Fund so we have the resources to stem the anti-LGBT tide. >>
I cannot overstate the threat that another six years of Marco Rubio represents to the LGBTQ community in Florida and nationwide. On Facebook, Senator Rubio said:
"I'm honored to receive John Stemberger's endorsement."
- Marco Rubio, via his official Facebook page, June 27, 2016
This is the same John Stemberger identified moments ago in a report released by Freedom for All Americans shining a light on the coordinated effort against the LGBTQ and allied community directed by a few well-funded national organizations.
This is the same John Stemberger who went after Florida's only openly gay legislator, State Rep. David Richardson, for supporting nondiscrimination laws -- calling them "weapons to punish Christians" which enable "sex offenders and pedophiles."
This is the same John Stemberger who said that "two moms, or two dads, are an objectively inferior choice" when it comes to LGBTQ parents.
Of course, he supports the same Senator Rubio who saw nothing wrong with using the Orlando tragedy as a political opportunity to announce his run for re-election.
We cannot allow Marco Rubio to return to Washington for another six years. The future of our community depends on it. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it.
This summer, SAVE Action PAC has set an ambitious goal of raising $25,000 to support candidates on #TeamEquality who will defend our community from the likes of anti-LGBTQ politicians like Marco Rubio.
Will you give $25, $100, or even $250 to help support our #TeamEquality candidates? Click here. >>

Marco Rubio doesn’t represent our community or ordinary Floridians. It’s up to us to show him what REAL representatives of Floridians look like, and you can do that by making sure #TeamEquality has the resources we’ll need to WIN this fall.
Every dollar helps get our message out to support the candidates this November that our community will depend on in order to secure our future. Will you help reach our $25,000 fundraising goal for pro-equality candidates this fall? Click here to give now. >>
By speaking together with one voice, we can make sure equality prevails this election season. Thank you for your support.
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